What is BJJ?

Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art, based on self-defense, grip, hability of using the opponent "energy" or the principle of "action/reaction". So the best way to understand this art is to do it because it is mostly a question of feeling, as you use the grip. That is why it is practiced with a special uniform called Jiu-Jitsu gi, more commonly "gi" or misnamed as "kimono".


However once a while we can practice without the "gi", it is called then "Nogi" and it is pretty much similar to wrestling with submission technics.


The technics of jiu-jitsu allow you not only to control your opponent moves but ultimately to submit him with chokes, locks and pressure. 


For more information about its rules, its community and to see how it expands in the world, you can visit for example the website of the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation: http://ibjjf.org


History of Jiu-Jitsu:

Jiu-Jitsu has more than 5000 years history. It is hard to know exactly when it begun, not only through the warrior aspect but also in the game, which is in our nature to play when we are kid.


However the most common keywords that mark the step of jiu-jist history are "kalaripayat", the most ancient martial art known in India. The warrior monk "Boddydharma" who was at the origin of the "Shaolin kung fu" is also the origin of expansion of martial art in Asia about 1000 years ago. The art of the samuraï in Japan brought the spirit of jiu-jitsu at the highest perfection with the "Bushido", the Samuraï spirit. Nowadays what we call "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu" is the most technical game we can imagine, with in the heart the desire to do your best, to honour the original spirit.


Philosophical aspect:

However it is a modern vision, as the sword was considered as the soul of the samuraï... It tells us how much we are perfectible, how we can be sharp, increase our insight, find peace in our heart and master our fears. Ooooosssss


To know more about BJJ history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_jiu-jitsu

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